

Greetings from Hessen. I would like to thank you very much for the fast delivery of these 3 gems.

A real feast for the eyes, my husband had once again shown taste and secretly ordered me these 3 great convertible headscarves ;-)

We were both excited when we saw the package and opened it. Individually wrapped scarves in lovingly designed fabric bags ........

this alone is a real eye-catcher with an absolute "recommendation effect" !!!!!!!

Just in time for the first trip with our "MAXI" roadster, the cabrio scarves were of course also tested and declared indispensable.

From September 4th, 2010, a 10-day trip is planned ... with hopefully lots of sun. And there these gems come into use again ....... I'm happy ;-)

Here are two photos with me and our "MAXI" .... and one of my great scarves ;-)

Best regards,
